Skin Rejuvenation

Welcome to MUSE, where we offer cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments using Morpheus8, Microneedling and Lumecca technology.

Our team of skilled professionals will customize a treatment plan to address your specific concerns and goals. During your consultation, we will assess your skin condition and discuss the best approach to achieve optimal results. We prioritize your comfort and safety throughout the procedure, and we can provide numbing creams or other options to minimize any discomfort.

If you are looking to rejuvenate your skin and achieve a more youthful appearance, contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards radiant and revitalized skin.

Skin Rejuvenation Menu

Lumecca | IPL

Intense Pulse Light


Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca operates using photo- thermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment.

In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca improves the appearance of:

  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Sun damage
  • Vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangliectasias)
  • Rosacea (redness)
  • Freckles

Lumecca Q&A

Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. After use, patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. Lumecca operates using photo- thermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment.

What to Expect During a Consultation

We begin all appointments with a consultation. During the consultation, we review he area(s) of concern, and review your medical history. It is important to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment as certain allergies, skin & neurological conditions or medications can jeopardize your safety or results. 

We will then take your before and after pictures for your charts. Avoid direct, excessive sun exposure or tanning one month prior to treatment

What to Expect During a Treatment

It is preferred that you attend your appointment without makeup. This is to ensure the area can be properly cleansed and we are able to view any changes in the skin. During treatment there will be a bright flash of light from the Lumecca that feels like a light elastic sensation. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after treatment and usually subsides within an hour. 

What to Expect Post-Procedure

Over the next 24-48 hours you may see a darkening of pigmented spots; in the week afterwards the pigmented lesions flake off, leading to an evening out of skin tone. After treating vascular lesions you may see the vein blanch and disappear or a color change in the vessel which dissapates after a few days.An improved skin appearance can be noted after the first session and multiple sessions provide even better results. Treatment regime’s depend on the severity of skin damage, type of treatment (vascular vs sun damage) and energy settings. Sun damage and skin complexion results can be seen a few days after the first session. The skin will continue to look younger and more brilliant over time with most visible results after 1-2 weeks. Having multiple photofacial sessions will improve the final result. For vascular treatments such as spider or leg veins, results can be seen immediately in up to 2 weeks.

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Subdermal Remodeling


Morpheus8 is a cutting-edge treatment that combines the benefits of microneedling with radiofrequency energy to target various skin concerns and deliver remarkable results.

What sets Morpheus8 apart is its ability to simultaneously deliver radiofrequency energy into the deeper layers of the skin through these microchannels. This radiofrequency energy heats the targeted tissues, promoting further collagen remodeling and tightening of the skin. The combination of microneedling and radiofrequency energy allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment, addressing both surface-level imperfections and deeper skin concerns.

One of the standout features of Morpheus8 is its versatility. It can be used on various areas of the face and body, including the forehead, cheeks, neck, jawline, abdomen, arms, and thighs. This flexibility makes it an ideal treatment for addressing a wide range of concerns, such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, and sagging skin.

What Type of Results Can be Expected?

  • Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Smoothen out a rough skin texture
  • Improve the appearance of acne scarring
  • Correct uneven skin tone
  • Treat loose, crepey skin on the knees, arms, elbows, and abdominal area
  • Define the contours in the face and body in a non-surgical way
  • Further enhancements due to continuous collagen and elastin production
  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Sun damage
  • Vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangliectasias)
  • Rosacea (redness)
  • Freckles


When will i see results?

Visible results can be seen within a few days of the first treatment. But as with all procedures, there is a waiting time before you can see the full results. For the Morpheus8 procedure, the three-week mark will show you far more noticeable results but improvements can continue up to three months post-treatment.

How many treatments does it take?

In most cases, it takes at least two to three Morpheus8 treatment sessions to see desired results. For mild cosmetic concerns, one treatment may be enough. However, if your doctor recommended multiple Morpheus8 procedures, they are spaced around four to five weeks apart. 

Does it help with acne?

 Many patients have found it extremely effective in combatting acne and improving the appearance of acne scarring. We’ve found that Morpheus8 can actually eliminate the bacteria that causes acne. What makes this more effective than regular microneedling is the ability to increase the penetration depths up to 4 mm, where regular microneedling can only reach 2mm.  This allows is o effectively treat acne scars. 

Can it reduce fat?

Morpheus8 is unique in that it has insulated tips that can comfortably and safely penetrate under the surface of the skin much deeper than traditional micro-needling treatments all without causing any damage to the surface of the skin. This allows the treatment to target what is known as adipose fat,  the loose connective tissue underneath the skin. Targeting the adipose fat with RF heat gives the treatment the capability to contour and remodel skin tissue.

What to Expect During a Consultation

We begin all appointments with a consultation. During the consultation, we review he area(s) of concern, and review your medical history. It is important to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment as certain allergies, skin & neurological conditions or medications can jeopardize your safety or results. 

We will then complete a telemedicine consultation with the Nurse Practitioner who will be verifying your health history, dose and consent for treatment. 

What to Expect During a Treatment

You will be required to come in for your appointment at least an hour prior to your treatment time. Our staff will prep and cleanse the treatment site.  Topical numbing cream will be applied prior to the Morpheus8 treatment to make it much more comfortable. It can be arranged to pick up numbing cream prior to your apointmnt and applied at home before the treamtment, The Morpheus8 device will be passed two to three times on the treated area and will work on the subdermal level of the skin.  

What to Expect Post-Procedure

The majority of patients usually resume their regular activities almost immediately after treatment. Although relatively rare, some patients may experience minor side effects, such as skin redness, itchiness, and a bit of swelling. If this happens, it’s only normal and there’s no need to worry.  They may last a few days at most and will clear up on their own without needing further medication. SPF must be worn when going outside. Direct sunlight must be avoided for a few weeks. Discontinue the use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Retinol and Vitamin C for 48 hours. No exercising or strenuous activity for 24 hours. It is recommended to have 3- 5 treatments for best results 3-6 weeks apart


Collagen Induction Therapy


Microneedling creates microscopic punctures into the skin using a medical grade device. This allows vitamins, moisture and antioxidants to infuse into the skin while stimulating cell proliferation and stimulating the formation of new collagen. It results in immediate glowing, radiant skin that will increase collagen production even months later. Microneedling is used with a hyaluronic acid serum or PRP if it is a Vampire Facial. 

What Type of Results Can be Expected?

  • Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Smoothen out a rough skin texture
  • Improve the appearance of acne scarring
  • Correct uneven skin tone
  • Further enhancements due to continuous collagen and elastin production
  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Sun damage

Microneedling Q&A

What is microneedling good for?

This minimally invasive procedure is clinically proven to reduce the look of scars and stretch marks, minimize wrinkles, improve the quality and texture of your skin, tighten skin and treat acne as well as cystic acne. It is a great procedure to help reduce hyper-pigmentation from acne scars or sun spots.

How often should microneedling be performed?

For best results, it is often recommended to receive three treatments, spaced one month apart. Once the desired results have been achieved, it is best to maintain treatments whenever the seasons are changing. This usually means about 3 sessions a year.  

What to Expect During Consultation

We begin all appointments with a consultation. During the consultation, we review the area(s) of concern, and review your medical history. It is important to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment as certain allergies, skin & neurological conditions or medications can jeopardize your safety or results. 

What to Expect During Treatment

The areas being treated will be cleansed. It is best if you attend your appointment with no makeup. We will then apply a thin layer of Lidocaine around the face to temporarily numb the area. After 15 minutes, the Lidocaine will be removed and we will begin the procedure. It is often stated it feels like sandpaper rubbing against the skin. The procedure will take about 15 minutes to perform. 

What to Expect Post Procedure

After the procedure, your skin may be red and flushed for 48-72 hours like a mild sunburn. The first 72 hours you will experience some tightness and mild sensitivity. It is best to avoid any physical exercise that may cause you to sweat for 48 hours. This prevents bacteria from entering into the skin. Avoiding makeup for 24 hours is also recommended. It is also recommended to purchase a post microneedling kit to take home with you. Your nurse will also discuss with you about types of skincare products to avoid for a few days to a week. This will include any products containing alcohol or retinol. Dryness, redness and sensitivity may last 7-10 days

Chemical Peels

Glowing skin

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a non-invasive procedure that utilizes a solution composed of various acids to exfoliate the skin, revealing a smoother, brighter, and more youthful complexion.

If you are seeking a reliable and effective method to rejuvenate your skin, chemical peels offer a proven solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how chemical peels can help you achieve smoother, brighter, and healthier-looking skin.

A chemical peel can treat many skin problems. Depending on your skin concerns, we will choose a chemical peel in one of three depths:

  • Light chemical peel: A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It can be used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. You might have a light chemical peel as often as every two to five weeks. Little to no recovery time.
  • Medium chemical peel: This type of chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). A medium chemical peel can treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. Can only be done 1-2 times year. Requires 1-2 weeks of recovery time. Full epidermal peeling. 


  • Brighten (Oxygen Skin Regenerative Peel)
  • Glow (AHA Active Exfoliator)
  • Indulge ( Chocolate Power Skin Rescue Peel)


  • Ultimate Glow (TCA 15%)

Chemical Peel Q&A

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is an intentional injury to the epidermis that stimulates a wound healing response.  This response initiates cell turnover, stimulates the production of inner cellular hydration and growth factors. After a chemical peel, the skin will be smoother and younger looking.

What are chemical peels used for?

Chemical peels are used to treat wrinkles, skin discoloration and scars — typically on the face. A chemical peel can be done alone or in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

How do I prep for a chemical peel?

No Cosmetic Injections (including Botox and Fillers) within the last 14 days or wait 10-14 days post chemical peel treatment. It is best to begin a medical grade skin care regime 4-6 weeks prior to a chemical peel to strengthen the skin and to ensure proper healing. 

How do I prep for a chemical peel?

After All Depths of Chemical Peels:
*Avoid all sun exposure or as minimal as possible
*Avoid exercise or sweating for a minimum of 24-72 hours
*Avoid applying makeup for 24-72 hours and wash makeup brushes before next use *Always wash hands before completing the routine
*Avoid touching the skin
*Avoid active ingredients for 3-5 days post-treatment or for more advanced peels, once peeling has completed

For Medium Depth Peels, in addition to the above:
*Avoid hot water spraying directly on face in the shower
*Do not pick, rub or touch the face unnecessarily (picking can cause scarring)
*Use brow scissors to nip away peeling skin
*Minimize facial expressions
*Ensure skin is kept well moisturized using hydration and sealants/barriers
*Avoid makeup until peeling has completed
*It is common for the skin to darken 3-4 days after the treatment until peeling has completed

Key ingredients for home care routines:
*Tyrosinase Inhibitors
*Ceramides, Peptides & Fatty Acids
*Semi-occlusive or occlusive agents (medium depth peels) Antioxidants including Vitamin C
*Hyaluronic Acid Sun ProtectionA chemical peel is an intentional injury to the epidermis that stimulates a wound healing response.  This response initiates cell turnover, stimulates the production of inner cellular hydration and growth factors. After a chemical peel, the skin will be smoother and younger looking. Cosmetic Injections (including Botox and Fillers) within the last 14 days or wait 10-14 days post chemical peel treatment. It is best to begin a medical grade skin care regime 4-6 weeks prior to a chemical peel to strengthen the skin and to ensure proper healing.

What to Expect During Consultation

We begin all appointments with a consultation. During the consultation, we review he area(s) of concern, and review your medical history. It is important to fully disclose your medical history prior to treatment as certain allergies, skin & neurological conditions or medications can jeopardize your safety or results.

We will then complete a telemedicine consultation with the Nurse Practitioner who will be verifying your health history, dose and consent for treatment. It is important to receive the full dose prescribed to ensure sufficient results.

What to Expect During Treatment

The areas being treated will be cleansed. We will ask you to make some funny faces at us so we may assess muscle strength and location. The treatment only lasts about 5-10 minutes depending on the areas being treated. It is a very comfortable procedure with little to no pain. 

What to Expect Post-Procedure

You may experience swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the injection site for a few hours. The use of Tylenol (acetaminophen) is permitted. If needed, makeup can be applied after 4 hours of treatment, using minimal pressure on the areas treated.

Avoid laying down or bending over and avoid rubbing/touching your face for a minimum of 4 hours. 

For 24 hours after treatment, refrain from strenuous physical activity, hot tubs/sauna, facials, alcohol, aspirin, or other over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications or supplements. 

If this is your first time, it is important to schedule a 2 week follow up appointment. This ensures that we are able to see how your facial muscles reacted to your treatment. Treatments are repeated every 3-4 months.


Healthy skin


FIRE & ICE: Designed to rapidly & safely resurface & rejuvenate the skin. Helps reduce the appearance of lines & wrinkles, reduce dark spots & hyper-pigmentation, No downtime or peeling

HYDROJELLY MASKS: HydroJelly Masks, infused with electrolytes, are a favorite peel-off mask. The mask contours to the skin, allowing complete absorption of nutrients and hydrating to the deepest layers of the skin. HydroJelly Masks have a natural cooling and soothing effect that is refreshing helps firm and revitalize the skin leaving you with a healthy glow. We offer 9 varieties of in- clinic masks as well as a variety of take home masks! 

A professional facial is designed not just to help you relax, but to help improve your skin. They can be customized for the face, neck and décolleté to prevent and treat common problems. Facials can:

  • Boost collagen production
  • Remove dead skin cells
  • Improve the appearance of fine lines and blemishes
  • Clear your pores
  • Moisturize and hydrate